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Why your political opinion might be wrong

Zachary Hagen

The dangers of listening to only one side of the news are vast. Honestly, it feels like people form opinions based on the opinions of others instead of off the facts. Why do we listen to one side of the media over the other? The main news sites are all skewed either right or left. There are very few people out there who read both sides and come to their own conclusion.

Here’s my problem with it: we as Christians often see ourselves as either right or left leaning too. There are valid points and downright evil things on both sides. Instead of ascribing to a political party, how about asking if Jesus would support your viewpoint. Does the Bible support your view on immigration? Would Jesus agree with your stance on abortion? And if the answer is no, are you okay with Jesus disagreeing with you?

Don’t pretend to be a social justice warrior if your stance on an issue goes against the Bible. Don’t pretend you’re patriotic if Jesus wouldn’t be standing on that side of the issue. As elections approach, make your choices based on your faith instead of your political affiliation.

We all need to ask ourselves if we are really allowing God to lead when if we vote for a candidate that supports things that aren’t in line with our beliefs. We can’t legitimately call ourselves Christians and support some of the policies currently in place. I urge you to search your heart, whether you are Republican, Democrat or third party; and really examine whether your political beliefs line up with your faith. We can’t compartmentalize our beliefs. It’s all or nothing.


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