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Letter to the Editor


Racism at Southern was something my eyes were opened to thanks to people of color educating me and professors who refuse to be silent. As a pastor, I have realized that not only is racism sin, but at its very core is totally antithetical to the Gospel. The Gospel says everyone is valuable, racism says only some are. The work of racial reconciliation at Southern is closer to the start than to the finish. But it has been started because of the tireless effort of those who have fought to open our eyes to the embedded racism in Southern’s culture. I want to see systemic changes to the way Southern educates, informs against, and addresses racism, but I don’t want to see those changes at the cost of damaging or ignoring those who have worked to bring us to that point. Everyone who fights this fight should be appreciated. I never expected complete systemic transformation in one year, but I am glad to see the beginnings of it now. To Philip Warfield, all my friends, and everyone who has worked so hard: thank you. You are loved and you are valuable. Don’t give up.


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The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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