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Southern continues installation of new purification system campus-wide


Major upgrades are underway campus-wide as Southern continues with the installation of a new air purification system. In an email sent to students this week, President Smith details the importance of this filtration system in order to make Southern safer. 

Director of Building Systems Dennis Clifford said that Southern is committed to improving and maintaining the air quality for students and staff. According to Clifford, by installing the new system it “not only improves air quality by optimizing filtration and neutralizing volatile organic compounds (VOC), but also kills pathogens such as COVID-19”. 

The Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) Needlepoint Bi-polar Ionization system is known to safely clean air within a building. Other valuable outcomes from this installation include the reduction of fine particles in the air and provides energy savings due to improving equipment efficiency.

This hospital-level technology is not foreign to Southern as it has been used since 2016  in Summerour Hall and was introduced to Hickman’s cadaver lab this year. Now with the global pandemic, administration has made the decision to install this system into each building on campus. 

The cost of this project is estimated to be $500,000 to $550,000, according to Associate Vice President for Financial Administration Marty Hamilton. 

“This is one huge and very tangible solution that can provide our students and employees a more safe environment on campus” Hamilton said. 

Plant Services is currently installing the Needlepoint Bi-polar Ionization system in the residence halls and Brock Hall, and have completed installing in various buildings including Wright Hall, Lynnwood, Southern Village and Village Market. Campus-wide installation will be completed before the semester starts in August.

 “This is a very proactive and deliberate effort to find new ways to enhance our health safety on campus by using this air cleaning equipment,” Hamilton said. “We all look forward to seeing our students return and bring back that special vibrancy we call campus life.” 

The Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) system is being installed across campus to help purify the air in buildings.



The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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