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Some International students to be quarantined upon arrival on campus


As students prepare to return to Southern’s campus for the Fall 2020 semester, those traveling from other countries may be required to participate in a 14-day quarantine upon arrival to campus.

According to International Admissions Advisor Arleny Weddle, not all international students will be quarantined. A team from Southern, with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), will develop a list of students who must quarantine.

“Some students may be coming from regions of the world that are safer than the U.S. currently,” Weddle said. “Once the list of students who must quarantine is decided, I will communicate that information to our current and incoming students.”

For the Winter 2020 semester, there were 142 international students and 32 of them stayed on Southern’s campus, according to Weddle. However, there is a possibility that some students may not be able to return due to their borders and embassies not being opened until well into the fall semester.

“To my knowledge, they are working on a plan for online classes for students who cannot return,” Weddle said.

Official protocols for students who will be required to participate in the quarantine are still being developed. According to Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life Lisa Hall, protocols could change depending on what the CDC recommends.

“The University Health Center is working on protocols, but will most likely distribute these a little closer to the start of school because what we might do today if school were in session could change by August,” Hall said.

Although the full list of protocols is still developing, those in quarantine will not be allowed to leave their rooms, according to Weddle. In regards to meals, she said that while a student is self-quarantining, the dean on duty will get a grocery list from the student and use their ID card, credit card or cash to purchase those items for them weekly.

“We continue to develop a plan that will ensure the safety of the students and staff while providing a ‘normal' college experience,” Weddle said.

Fall 2020 classes are scheduled to start on August 24, and the protocols for the quarantine will be distributed to those students closer to that date.



The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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