On Monday, March 23, Andrews University posted a statement on its website confirming three COVID-19 cases in the community, Involving two employees and one graduate student. According to the statement, all of them are in good condition.
“We pray urgently, and invite your prayers, for God’s presence, wisdom and guidance as we navigate this new and continually changing road for each one of us, our campus and our world as we all respond to the challenging and increasing impacts and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the statement, written by Andrews president Andrea Luxton, reads. Starting Tuesday, March 24, Michigan will follow a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order issued by Governor Gretchen Whitmer prohibiting nonessential travel. The order will continue until April 13, 2020.
“I again invite your prayers and urge your full support of this important Executive Order,” Luxton wrote in the statement.
According to Michigan.gov, there have been 13,228 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 13 confirmed deaths in the state of Michigan, as of March 23. To read Andrews’ full statement go to https://www.andrews.edu/agenda/55778.