In April of last year, seven sophomore students with a vision stepped up to become the newest leadership team of our Black Christian Union (BCU) club on Southern’s campus. Some of us barely knew each other, and it was everyone’s first time in office.

In our first meetings, it was clear that all of us had the same passion and drive to achieve a certain goal. The goal was to take all of the amazing things that BCU represented and push it to the next level. We wanted to raise expectations of BCU, set the standard high, encourage student involvement, promote a family atmosphere, consistently offer spiritual enrichment for students, break barriers, showcase the beauty of black culture on a larger scale, and create lasting memories.
The BCU team worked diligently through the summer, brainstorming, developing new methods of organization and seeking God’s hand in our plans and the lives of our current and future members.
Those who had the same goal for our campus bonded with people including the Merge team, Pastor Ferguson and Collegedale Church, and a few BCU alumni. Together we overcame financial obstacles,pulled off five great events,created new BCU materials, developed new relationships and produced one of the most memorable BCU nights to date.
We watched God move mountains as doors were closed and new ones opened. The BCU team could often be seen gathering to pray individually over our members’ “Prayer Wednesday” requests or huddling to seek God’s will one more time before the events began. Through hard work, lots of laughs, some long days and lots of memories the officers became like family.

The dream team welcomed two new officers at the beginning of the winter semester who have been instrumental in achieving the club’s goals for 2019.Perhaps the most amazing thing is the team still holds that same passion for taking the club to the next level that was mentioned when we first entered office.
BCU night was definitely not the end. We’re working on creating more, giving our members more and organizing exciting things to take place throughout the remainder of the winter semester. We hope to continue sharing our passion for bringing students together and showcasing the beauty of black culture through the BCU legacy for years to come.
We are also inviting those who may want to become a part of this leadership for the ‘19/’20 school year to come on board as elections begin. If you’d like to be a BCU officer or BCU liaison for the ‘19/’20 school year, please DM the BCU page on Instagram or contact one of our current officers for further details.