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SA candidate platforms


Candidates for the presidency:

Mark Galvez

International Student Scholarship

As U.S. citizens, we are privileged with access to federal aid and the opportunity to work up to 24 hours a week to pay for our college education. However, our international students are not granted these privileges. By government law, our international students are limited to fewer work hours and fewer job options, while also not having access to federal aid. I propose that in partnership with ASU, BCU, LAC, Asian Club and the International Student Committee, we work to create more scholarships to aid international students who attend Southern. If we’re aiming for inclusivity and diversity, it’s imperative that we’re intentional about providing our current and future international students with more opportunities.

Meal Plan App

If you’ve either run out of meal plan or have had too much meal plan at the end of the semester, I’ve been there. Instead of asking your friends to pay for you, what if they could transfer some of their meal plan money to yours? In collaboration with students, the IT and finance departments, we’ll be working on creating an app that will allow meal plan transferals between students. This app helps eliminate unneeded spending at the end of the semester when refunds are needed. If you lose your ID card before the weekend, you can still eat. If you can’t get food and are really hungry, what if a friend can get it for you?

Activate Southern Initiative​

There has not been an initiative on our campus that has captured our attention like Activate Southern. I believe that initiatives like Activate Southern should be invested in and continued. This initiative is by students and for students. With this initiative, Activate Southern will be more than just giveaways and story posts, but an initiative of health that will make SA more relevant in the lives of all Southern students.

Delaney Harris

It is my desire to serve you as Student Association President in the 2019-2020 academic school year. Having been a student at Southern Adventist University for several years, I have noticed a few areas in which our university has room to improve.

Perhaps the largest void on campus the absence of an Executive Vice President of Religious Life on our Student Association. Although recently Student Development has partnered with Campus Ministries and has begun to take steps towards to creating this position on SA, I would, as a leader, facilitate this new position in our Student Association and lead the student who fills this role.

Additionally, I have noted an absence of an Executive Vice President of Health and Wellness on Student Association. Although there is not a SA position such as this, the School of PE, Health and Wellness has a position they fill every year that consists of a duo of Student Wellness Directors. One of the projects I would like to undertake as SA President would be to develop an officer position on Student Association specifically geared toward health and wellness and implementing healthier food choices in the Cafeteria and Village Market and encouraging a more active lifestyle at Southern.

As a leader, I pray for the courage of Esther as I will undoubtedly face many challenges along this journey of campaigning. I seek also for the humility of Ruth in my work, that God may keep me grounded and looking always to Him for guidance and strength. Lastly, I aspire to possess the ambition of Rahab and the enthusiasm she reflected as I embark on this journey of growth.

I am open to hearing your ideas and insight as to improvements for our campus and changes you would like to see at our university. If you would like to talk to me further on the matter, find me on social media or email at my Southern email and we can arrange a time to talk.

Thank you,

Delaney Harris

Tiago Ferreira

You pay for classes, books, a meal plan and a dorm room. You find a new home for a few years and make friends to last a lifetime. This is your community; what happens here affects you directly. That’s why it’s crucial to have a leader who makes strong decisions for the student body.

Student Association officers are elected by the students for the students. If SA isn’t fairly representing the student body, it has failed and defeated the ultimate purpose of the institution. Fair representation occurs when opinions and concerns of students from various majors, backgrounds and interests are heard and met.

Even with the initiatives of the past two administrations, the voice of the student body is still lacking because of the disconnect that exists with student administration and SA between the SA General Assembly. This disconnect was visible at Town Hall on Dec. 6. Students left frustrated because no concrete answers were given to their questions regarding curfew, university sports teams and cultural credit.

The divide can be bridged by using SA as a mediator between faculty and students, ensuring that dialogue is open to every person on campus. We can create a centralized hub that provides avenues for contact with SA and Senate officers.

Another internal issue that needs to be addressed is the prioritization of SA budget for student needs. Allowing students to be involved with SA will assist elected leaders in knowing their concerns. Regardless of where money is allocated, this information should be made public so students know how their budget is being used.

Southern’s student government can work for the students. We can revitalize the institutions that we have on campus and give the student body their voice back. We can collaborate with student administration to complete projects and foster a relationship that will last past our time on campus.

Eveling Grajales

My name is Eveling Grajales and I am running for Student Association President. The name of my campaign is “We Belong.”

We belong on this campus and to this University. A fundamental question that we will try to address is how we can feel like we fit into our university. One of the projects on the platform that make us feel like we belong is creating an Intern board. This will be a place where Internships from our community can be posted for all the different department in one location. The second is Strengthening the Bring It! Program that encourages young entrepreneurs to think outside the box and in which our university can provide funding to innovate their ideas. We would like to create at southern a culture where students can try their different ideas with the support of our institution.

We belong to a Southern community. One of the projects that would increase community on our campus is broadening a program of Big Brother, Big Sister through which older students will have the ability to interact with younger students and thus bridge the age gap. The second is instituting a program like Workspace (platform from Facebook) in which students can share events, sell items, share news and facilitate carpooling to different locations.

We belong to God. We all come from different background and styles in worship. How can we belong and how can we cater to the different worship styles of the student body? By diversifying our worship sessions and supporting ministries like Merge, instituting intense prayer sessions that involve our faculty and staff (similar to Smile Initiative with prayer) we can pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Psalms 100:3 says, “Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”

Because we belong to God, my goal is to make every one of His children feel like they belong on our campus.

Vice Presidency:

Luis Moreno

My name is Luis Moreno, and my campaign slogan for my platform is “Past. Present. Future.”

I have served on Senate for the past two years, first as a senator my freshman year, and currently as Parliamentarian. I have seen how much Senate has changed from the first day I’ve been here. I’ve seen the growth that has happened, and what can be done to improve it even further.

The “Past” part of my slogan reflects the section of my campaign in which I hope to not only honor the work that has already been done in the past, but also to fix the wrongs that have been made against both students and staff over the years based on the issues of inequality. I plan on having Senate work closely with both S.O.A.R. and the VP of Diversity and Inclusion that this campus will soon have, in order to remedy past wrongs and to work together to absolve the lasting pain that has affected us all, whether we realize it or not.

The “Present” part of my slogan reflects the part of my campaign in which I want to work to make Southern a place that students and staff alike can be proud of. One of the ways I plan on doing this is by hiring senators who love Southern and want to see it grow even more and strive to make a difference. I want people who have ideas and concepts that will help to grow this campus, instead of this position being a bullet point on a resume. We as a senate body have opportunity and the means to create lasting change on this campus. I promise that if you elect me, the changes that Senate makes will manifest in a physical way. Some ideas I have for Senate to consider is to diversify the cafeteria food and add calorie amounts to the food. I also would like to create the opportunity for a student representative to be an elected member of the disciplinary committee, so that students feel that they are being represented equally, and that we as a senate have their back.

The “Future” part of my slogan reflects the part of my campaign in which I want to focus on the future of both the students and the school spiritually and mentally. Working closely with Campus Ministries and the newly created Religious Vice President role, I want to ensure that every student’s spiritual needs are being met, and that the required worships are geared towards what the students want, and not just what the campus ministries team feels is best. If we don’t secure our future with God, what is all of this for? Not only will Senate be assisting with Campus Ministries, but we will also be partnering up with Alumni Relations to ensure that even after you graduate, you can know that Southern still has your back. I want to create an atmosphere where we care about our graduating seniors, as well as our alumni, and not seeing them as a way to earn money. To me, Southern is a family, and family does not stop caring about you when you leave home. You’ll always have a home here. If you elect me as EVP, I will work tirelessly to ensure that you are taken care of while you are a student, as well as after you graduate.

Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God’s love stays the same, no matter if it's in the past, present, or future. No matter what, I want to channel God’s love throughout everything that Senate does.

Social Vice:

Maddy Thomas

I love seeing people happy. If I can make people happy, I will try, and to see them smiling brings me so much joy. If I can serve my student body, then I will. I am basing my campaign on service.

Bringing joy to others is something Jesus always did wherever He went. He also served the people. He washed feet, He fed thousands, He visited and healed the sick among many other important things. Even though I will not be washing feet or healing the sick, I do plan to serve the student body the best way that can. I have had practice putting events together, and I know the amount of time and dedication this position will ask for, but I am ready to do my best. But I cannot do it alone. With the help of the student body, my creativity and God, we can produce some fun, inviting and exciting events. I know Jesus did a lot of amazing things. By serving His people He made many of them very, very happy. I hope that with prayer, hard work and dedication, I will be able to do my job successfully. Allow me to serve as your 2019-2020 Social Vice President, and together we will make next year a great one.


The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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