As a person who suffers from anxiety, I often don’t think it’s possible to ever get rid of it. Anxiety is a trait engraved into the core of who I am. Who am I without the panic of overthinking?
Despite its annoying qualities, most days I can’t help but see my anxiety as a blessing. It forces me to put my fears to the side and learn to collaborate with and trust in Jesus.
Anxiety has been my closest friend for as long as I can remember. She follows me into major tests, spoken word performances and even when I have to travel on planes. When I want to try something new, she’s always there to grab my hand and pull me back into comfortability. For the most part, she keeps me safe from risky situations, but she only gets in the way when she pulls my focus away from God’s promises.
Philippians 4:16 encourages us to not be anxious about anything. Anyone who suffers from anxiety knows that it’s much easier said than done.
Although God originally designed mankind to be in perfect harmony and peace, sin came into the world and messed that up. By telling me not to be anxious about anything, God is simply inviting me to hand my fears and worries over to Him because only He can provide ultimate peace and comfort.
There are some problems in life that God encourages us to solve on our own with His guidance, and other times He yearns for us to hand it all over to Him.
Yes, anxiety is annoying and a heavy burden to bear, but the one good thing about living in a sin-filled world is that God’s grace covers it. The message of His glory always prevails any imperfection and makes it perfect.
Why not trust a God who carried the weight of this sinful world on his bare and beaten shoulders and still finished the task at hand? I may panic over the task at hand, but my anxiety panics in God’s presence.