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Business major awaits FDA approval on possible life saving invention

Zailin Peña

Senior management and entrepreneurship major Caleb Sutherland invented a device that could save many people in life-or-death situations. His invention, called the Lung Isolation Tube (LIT), could make a huge difference in a matter of moments.

According to Sutherland, in a situation where a lung has collapsed, “this device can be inserted through the trachea and through opening one of two ports and inflating two cuffs simultaneously.” This helps to stabilize the patient until the proper medical assistance can be provided.

This invention was an idea in Sutherland’s mind for a while, until the spring of 2018, when drawings of it came to life and then progressed. He is certain that the LIT can and will save lives in a situation where the odds of survival are already very low.

He said his company is in charge of “developing, manufacturing, patenting and securing approval from the FDA [US Food and Drug Administration] for the device.” Right now they are launching into FDA approval tests, which he mentioned is a ton of paperwork.

Besides running his company and classwork, Sutherland’s schedule begins in the early hours of the morning and remains quite busy and productive.

“My days are scheduled in my phone calendar with little margin,” Sutherland said. “If I'm not at work, working on my company or in class, I'm listening to a podcast or an audio book.”

He said the challenging part of managing so much is catching up on sleep.

“At the end of the day though, it's much easier to sleep knowing you made a difference that day,” Sutherland said.

Sutherland offers advice to those hoping to create something of their own. “Don't let society or the people around you tell you what you should be doing,” he said. “Be passionate about what you want to do, don't do what you do because you think you have to. Quite simply dream.”


The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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