With around 3,000 students attending Southern Adventist University, connecting or even knowing many people may be difficult. The eJoker, however, helps to make those connections a little easier. The eJoker is an online profile that helps students share a little about themselves, search other students and connect to platforms such as eClass and MyAccess.
The eJoker allows students to search by major, class standing, birthday and much more. The eJoker was a student-led project, supervised by Miguel Rivas and developed summer of 2017 to replace the paper version, the Joker. Student Adams Bala, a developer, and Brittany Hoffman, a graphic designer, developed the eJoker.

It was released Jan. 25, 2018 at a Student Association keynote. The switch from paper to online has allowed for many new options, including student’s ability to create and change their own profiles. They can add information that allows others to learn more about them, such as their favorite books and movies. The eJoker not only has more capabilities, but it saves on paper that was being used to print the Joker.
Jared Powrie, a computer science senior, said, “an online version of the Joker allows us to add much more functionality.”
Every student has an account on eJoker that can be accessed at southern.edu/ejoker.
“The eJoker builds connections between staff, faculty and students alike,” Powrie said. “As we also plan for adding future features, such as a method to book times with your professor (based on their office hours), it is our hope that it will act as a tool for accessing that information.”
When Powrie was asked whether students should be encouraged to update their online profile, he said, “We have allowed that to remain at the discretion of the individual. There is very basic info available, the same that would originally appear in the printed Joker. But if there is additional information that someone would like to be visible, they definitely can do so.”
Check it out at https://myaccess.southern.edu/mvc/ejoker