Spending intentional and personal time with Jesus is a vital part of the Christian walk. It is important to communicate with Him in every season of the spiritual journey because communication is key for long-lasting and healthy relationships. Yet for me, it is so easy to get lost in the routine of worship to the point that my worship and time with Him becomes thoughtless and meaningless. I find myself forgetting to put in the same efforts to save my relationship with Jesus as I do for any other important relationship in my life. I start to worship because I have to, not because I want to.
This sudden lack of interest in Jesus isn’t because He’s boring, but because I have allowed comfort to take the place of creativity. Chaplain Anna Bennett, my spiritual counselor who helped me through this dry season, encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and explore different ways to spend time with Jesus.
Jesus deeply enjoys our presence, and He wants us to enjoy time with Him in return. He is a God of vibrant energy. Don’t be afraid to be creative in your time with God. The only right way to worship Him is genuinely. He made us all unique, so we should be unique in our worship to Him. Our worship doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s worship. The only worship matters to God is done in authenticity and honesty. Having a unique way to spend time with God—or having multiple ways to delight in his presence—makes the relationship that much more special.
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