As Thanksgiving break comes to an end, the end of the semester follows closely behind it. The remaining three weeks of the semester are always filled with stress and anxiety. This is the part of the semester where I can see the finish line in sight, but I don’t feel like running anymore. With every ounce of stress and anxiety that builds on my shoulders, I feel more compelled to give up. But I often have to remind myself that in the midst of all these overwhelming emotions, God does not leave me to bear this burden alone. He is always reminding me through His word and my own spiritual journey that He cares about every aspect of my life, and He will always take care of me—even in my weakness. His strength and power begins where mine ends.
In the midst of the upcoming finals week, cling to these three Bible promises:

Psalm 55:22: God encourages you to cast all your burdens and cares on Him. With your own strength, you can only accomplish so much. But His strength will sustain you and you will be able to accomplish beyond what you ever believed you could.
Philippians 4:13: You can do anything with God’s help and His strength. All you have to do is ask for it.
Matthew 11:28: God encourages you to come to Him when you are tired and burnt out because He promises to give you rest. These next few weeks, exhaustion is waiting to shake hands with you. Lean on God and trust that He will take you through.
You will make it through the next few weeks. God is rooting for you. Christ will sustain you. Do what you can, and give the rest to a God who can do the impossible.
Image credit: Emma Simpson