We all know that college can be full of excitement, friends and new experiences. It can also be full of something we know all too well: stress. Some stress is actually healthy, and it can push you to work harder. However, some stress can prevent you from functioning properly.
It’s no secret that balancing a hectic schedule in college can lead to unhealthy habits. So, here are some simple tips for handling stress:
Watch out for your stress symptoms: Do you get angry or quiet? Do you eat more or sleep less? Recognizing your symptoms can help you know when it’s time to take a break and brainstorm solutions.
Manage your time well: Time may seem like a luxury right now, but it’s not impossible to manage it effectively. Invest in a planner or phone reminders. Prioritize your list of things to do and tackle each task one at a time.
Exercise: Exercise reduces stress hormones, and releases feel-good endorphins. This improves mood, boosts energy and is a great distraction from any school-related stress.
Breathe: Take a moment for deep breathing and simple neck stretches throughout the day. This relaxation technique helps calm you down and can be done anywhere. No yoga mat needed.
Reach out: Know that it’s normal to be stressed out in college and that you can talk to your friends and family about it. If you feel like you can’t handle the stress on your own, schedule an appointment with the counseling center on campus at 423-236-2782.