I’m a planner. At the end of every Sunday, I sit down and map out what needs to be done the next week. I like to make lists and check things off. I like to make appointments and be there on time. If I could sit down and map out the next 50 years of my life and follow it point by point that would be fantastic, but unfortunately that’s not how it works.

This need to plan has proven to be detrimental in my spiritual walk, and one of the hardest things I’ve had to learn is surrendering situations over to God. But I’ve found that when I do, He puts things together beautifully. One of my favorite verses is found in Ecclesiastes 3:11, and it says, “He makes everything beautiful for its own time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” The Bible tells me I won’t get to know the end until it’s happening, but I don’t need to worry because He is bringing things together for good.
Trusting in God and asking Him to take over your plans can’t, and shouldn’t, just happen once. It’s a daily process. In Luke 9:23, Jesus told His disciples to daily take up their crosses and follow Him. This concept didn't stop with the disciples. Jesus also asks us to walk with Him daily. I had a friend tell me once that their mantra every morning is, “Jesus take over my life.” When I started praying this short prayer every day I noticed a huge change. Things that I think I want or need seem so trivial in comparison to what God has for me.
The only way to truly know God’s plan is to spend quality time with Him and to simply ask. I’m so guilty of telling God what I want instead of asking Him what I need. When I really want something one of the bravest prayers to pray is, “Lord take this situation away if it’s not in your will,” and He does, if necessary. Full surrender to God’s greater plan isn’t easy, but He promises us that it’ll be worth it.
Image credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters