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SA to host Boho Bash

Caroline Wells

The Boho Bash, known in previous years as Fall Fest, is right around the corner; this SA-planned event will be held in the Iles Gym and parking lot on Sunday Oct. 28.

The theme is “Rustic Urban Hipster” and students are encouraged to come dressed in their hipster attire.

There will be a costume contest to see who comes sporting the best minimalist, vintage, coffeehouse, lumberjack, nautical or bohemian look.

“I’m looking forward to seeing how creative people can be,” said Thyrell Smith, social vice president of SA.

The central purpose of the Fall Festival is to fundraise.

An umbrella coin toss will feature an umbrella hung from the ceiling that participants will try to throw coins up into. All proceeds from the umbrella coin toss will go to help the recent natural disaster in the Carolinas.

Boho Bucks are the currency for this event and allow students to make purchases at booths and will help in raising money for the clubs.

The first 600 people to arrive will get $10 worth of Boho Bucks for free. Students will be able to pay for more Boho Bucks, each worth $1 with coins, cards or the CashApp.

There will be two different food trucks, which will feature tacos, a s’mores bar, ciders, teas, juices and an all-vegan truck.

Dorm students will be shuttled from the dorms to Iles via hay rides.

There will be live music courtesy of several students who have prepared songs to provide a laid-back experience.

More than 30 different clubs will be hosting activities including taser tag, a retro arcade, a tomahawk throw and much more.

Therapy dogs and cats will also come to the festival to help provide students with a relaxing atmosphere.

There will also be lots of shirts, including event and legacy shirts.

“It’s different than normal,” Smith said. “We’re excited to switch it up.”

“I’m definitely very excited for the Fall Festival,” said Paola Mora Zepeda, a sophomore journalism digital-broadcast major. “Where I am from, we don’t have fall. In my country, we only have summer and winter. I’m excited to see the leaves change color and experience the activities for myself.”

Image credit: Kahelena Giltner

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