Many students may believe that meal plan is set in stone and unable to be changed. However, the Village Market (VM) is slightly flexible with the items on their meal plan. As a grocery store, the VM encourages feedback from their customers, especially students, to improve service.
“Students can request most single serve items to be added to meal plan,” said VM purchaser Nick Johnson. “As long as it gets approved by Southern, it can be placed on the VM meal plan.”
The Village Market offers a large variety of options for the meal plan. Anything marked with a green “MP” sticker applies to meal plan. However, items currently in the store that are not on meal plan cannot be added. The item has to be a new item introduced to the store.
Village Market manager Jackie Rose mentioned that not a lot of students request new items. It is a shame because the VM has so much to offer regarding meal plan.
“I did not know that you could request items,” said sophomore business administration major Cameron Hodges. “I would love for them to carry kombucha.”
To request an item that is currently not in the store, the VM recommends personally talking to their purchaser, Nick Johnson. He can be contacted from the main office or can be found throughout the store during the day.