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My second family

Thalia Palomino

I found my second family in an average-sized church in the middle of Tampa, Florida. At my home church, there is a strong sense of belonging and community because relationships play an important role. Everyone knows each other, is comfortable with each other and loves each other unconditionally, flaws and all. I think that’s what church is supposed to feel like—home.

I believe church should be the one place where people feel loved the most because that’s what Jesus longs for us to feel every moment of every day. Being around a group of people who love and care about you—whether they are friends, family or church members—also has the potential to bring out the best in you. My home church was where I felt happiest.

From the very moment I walked through the doors, kind faces rushed to greet me, deacons held open the door for me, and the pastor took his time to connect with the guests and members.

What I loved most was that everyone played a functional and important role in the church, like the elderly lady that greeted and welcomed everyone with warm hugs and a smile, the hard-working mothers who cooked for everyone, and the kids that filled the church with their energetic spirits. Everyone played an important role in the church community.

Overall stepping out of that church community was a big adjustment. Now on Sabbaths I’m greeted by friendly strangers, and I sit in a large church filled with people I might never get know. Where the emphasis of the church is more geared towards having the perfect service rather than having the perfect community.

Each church is unique, and every church community is different from one another, yet God uses these differences to draw people closer.


The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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