National Hispanic Heritage Month is happening right now. Taking place from Sept.15 to Oct. 15, the month honors and recognizes Hispanic and Latino people who have helped make this country great.
Whether you are Latino yourself or you want to learn more about the 17 percent of the U.S. population who are, discovering more about this culture is a great way to celebrate.

Here are McKee Library’s 10 recommended reads for this month. All tell a compelling story about what it means to be Latino. Some are classics, some are out this month, but trust me — they are all worth reading.
Books are in no particular order.
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez (PQ8180.17 .A73 C535 2003)
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (PS3553 .I78 H6 2009)
How the García Girls Lost their Accents by Julia Alvarez (PS3551 .L845 H66 2010)
My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor (KF8745.S67 A3 2014)
José: God Found Me in Los Angeles by José Vicente Rojas (SDA BX 6143 .R653 A3 1999)
Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan (813 R9897es)
Knowing Jesus is Everything by Alejandro Bullon (BD4501.3 .B855 2009)
Who Would Have Thought It? by María Ruiz de Burton (PS2736 .R53 W48 2009)
On the Blue Shore of Silence by Pablo Neruda (PQ8097 .N4 A272 2003)
The Closer by Mariano Rivera (GV865 .R496 A3 2014)
Image credit: Joseph Hyde