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Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra director visits Southern

Kehiry Castillo

Director of the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera Kayoko Dan came to Southern Adventist University to give a seminar about leadership on Sunday, Sept. 16 at Ackerman Auditorium in the School of Music.

Director Dan spoke about the qualities of being a good leader and how to become one. Some of the qualities included were being passionate, having a clear vision, self-discipline and time management. Throughout the seminar Dan encouraged students to be willing to grow and improve by expressing that making mistakes means there is plenty of room to grow. “Music is very competitive, it’s not easy but people chose this career because their heart desires it.” Dan said.

Student were asked to write down their top three strengths, top three weaknesses and find strategies to address their weaknesses. It was a seminar of self-evaluation; the main goal was to guide students on how to be good leaders in music and make them feel affirmed as musicians with a right to be authentic.

Laurie Minner, associate professor of music, said she hopes students take away “the vision that doing music as the work of a lifetime is more than merely playing the correct notes and the rhythms.”

Julie Penner, professor of music, said “Kayoko Dan’s seminar was a valuable tool for students and teachers alike and I’m thankful this opportunity was offered to our students.”

Being a good leader may have some challenges, but Dan exhorts those wanting to follow in her footsteps to be genuine, and don't get discouraged by rejections “You’ll find a "right fit" at some point. Keep believing in your art.”

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