One world, one God, one family
During my freshman year, I remember lying on my bed, feeling distraught about not knowing who I truly was. As I reflected on my life, I noticed that I had always pursued the acceptance of others. But I never understood what I truly wanted. I attempted to fill the void in my heart by pursuing the life that others wanted for me. Little did I know the toxic ramifications of my pursuit. I grew so apathetic towards my own wanting that I soon lost sight of who I was. But it wasn’t until someone found value in me that I began to pursue my God-intended purpose.
This year, we as a Student Association want to celebrate and motivate you because we value you. God created you for something greater than you can ever imagine (Ephesians 4:11-16). I understand that it might be difficult to even catch a glimpse of what He has in store for you. But know that we are here to help you see it a little more clearly.
Eager to change the world, but don’t know where to start? We can help you. Want to engage in honest, educated, and controversial conversations—free of judgment and fear? We got you covered. Have a talent like creating art, making music, cooking food, or threading eyebrows? We have just what you need. Want to grow closer with your friends? We have awesome parties for you. When we were planning all of our events, we were thinking of you.
Our team is working hard to help you feel right at home. Above all else, we pray that you will grow to understand yourself better and draw nearer to your Creator. Without Him, nothing this year will come into fruition. Every event we plan, meeting we hold, smile we share and dollar we spend will be done only to give God glory. Our theme this year is “One World. One God. One Family.” Our three-fold purpose suggests that one world is our mission, one God is our direction, and one family is our goal.
Now I have one last question to ask you, Southern: “You ready, big fella?”