Students are calling for cultural inclusion and creative expression at graduation. An online petition asks that administration pass a new policy allowing cultural regalia and cap decorations at commencement this year and moving forward.
Currently, graduating seniors are not permitted to don any non-academic accessories or clothing, such as Kente cloth stoles, at Sunday’s commencement ceremony. The standing policy states that due to the academic nature of commencement, only academic apparel, as in caps, gowns and honor chords, may be worn. Non-academic embellishments are allowed at the consecration and baccalaureate services.
Danielle Allen, senior journalism major, posted the online petition to change the policy nearly four weeks ago. Since then, the petition has gained over 400 supporters.
Allen decided to pursue changing this policy as a “final farewell” to Southern.
“People are often too complacent with the status quo at this university,” Allen said. “I know this petition doesn’t seem like much, but a little does make a big difference in the grand scheme of things.”
This is not the first time students have approached administration about this matter. According to Robert Young, vice president of academic administration, each past proposal was vetoed due to the academic nature of commencement.