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SA Senate proposes change to overnight leave system for on-campus students

Christina Robinson

On March 14, Student Association (SA) Senate discussed the possibility of changing the way off-campus leaves work for on-campus students.

SA Executive Vice President Gavin Finch brought the idea to Senate’s attention. The proposed system allows students to be excused from leaves as long as a parent/guardian signs permission at the beginning of the year. Students would be able to fill out a leave and go on trips without having to wait for approval from the residence hall deans. Although this could bring concerns to some parents and faculty, SA Senate is working to resolve each concern and readjust the proposal.

“We aren’t trying to get rid of the leave system,” Finch said. “Students would still be required to be on night check. Students with specific, reasonable qualifications simply have their leaves automatically approved upon submission.”

The leave system will remain for the safety of Southern in case there is a fire or a shooter.

When asked about the possible change in the leave system, Justina Siviglia, junior nursing major, said, “I am definitely for change in the leave system. As an adult, I would greatly appreciate not having to ask permission every time I leave campus for the weekend.”

Finch hopes that faculty will see the positive in this idea and hopes they will accept the proposal.

“Students want to be treated like adults. They have made this abundantly clear to the university, and we are giving the university a chance to work with us on making progress. I hope they listen, and I hope they do something. Otherwise students will continue to feel ignored and belittled, and that won’t be good for the school.”

Currently the leave proposal has not been approved nor denied. SA Senate is working on meeting with the deans to discuss this proposal. From there, a formal proposal will be sent to University senate, and another meeting will be held to get it passed by the deans and faculty senate.

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