Ever wonder how other cultures celebrate Easter? From the mouths of our very own ACA students, here are some easter traditions from around the world.
Italy: “In Italian it’s called Pasqua,” says José Rios, senior Intercultural Communications major. “Everyone goes to church for mass, and they also make certain traditional meals, depending on what part of Italy you’re in.” Justina Siviglia, junior Nursing major, says, “They have this dove-shaped cake, and they have a big parade. And Pasquetta, which is the day after that, they all take off to spend time with family.”
Spain: “Spaniards celebrate Easter a week prior to Sunday, beginning with Domingo de Ramos and lasting until Lunes de Pascua. It is a time where crowds gather on the streets to watch the story of the Passion unfold through somber processions and festive parades.” -Elena Anunciado, Public Relations and Graphic Design
France: Pâques is the French name for Easter, and it is welcomed with enthusiasm by those from a religious background. The French celebrate Easter by going to mass, Easter egg (les oeufs de Paques) hunting, and taking off the entire weekend to celebrate with friends and family.
Germany: “The country values the holiday and makes the Friday before and the Monday after non-working days.” -Alexandra Dye, Public Relations and Graphic Design
How do you celebrate Easter? Tweet it to @kristenvonnoh.