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A.I.M. Higher Campaign Platform

Dylan Gibbons

A.I.M. Higher Campaign Platform

(Always Imagine More)

Greetings Southern students. My name is Dylan Gibbons, and I am running for Student Association Executive Vice President. I am a junior social work major with an interest in working internationally to help marginalized groups. I have been involved in leadership positions in various organizations on campus including the Advancement Call Center, Campus Ministries, Social Work Club, BCU, Speak Light, and Senate. Through these different arenas, I have seen the power students have to create cultural change on this campus, especially when they combine their efforts with the administration.

My goal as Executive Vice President is to utilize the tool of Senate to represent what Southern students want. How this can occur is threefold:

1. Change can occur by connecting with students on a personal level and creating more knowledge about Senate on campus. To accomplish this, Senate’s marketing and branding must improve, more interactive activities must be put in place, and students must be reached where they are, whether they are on the promenade, in the dorm, in Southern Village or on social media.

2. I believe that different strategies for change must be created and implemented based on what students want. This can be done through creating Senate Town Halls and hosting talk show forums where students get to express their opinions on controversial topics.

3. I believe that the bond must be strengthened between administration, students, the university church and the surrounding community. One way this can be done is by having a stronger student-leader presence on forums such as Senate or church board meetings.

To sum up the vision of this campaign, I believe that culture change occurs when we realize that imagination inspires innovation and that God is the source of all inspiration and wisdom.

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