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Album Review: "Lifelong Worship"


The musical branch of the Florida Hospital Church, Lifelong Worship, has released an eponymous album, available on Amazon and iTunes. Richard Hickam, the minister of music at the Florida Hospital Church summed up the record accurately by saying, “Our new album is relevant, fresh and multicultural when there isn’t much art coming from our denomination.” It incorporates familiar hymn tunes and childhood praise songs with new and interesting accompaniment, giving the listeners the sense that they’ve never heard the songs before.

The first song on the album, “A Mighty Fortress,” eases the listener in gently with basic praise song vibes. Bright guitar and vocals add a very contemporary-Christian feel to the words that were written nearly 500 years ago. This is probably why “Take My Life,” the next track, comes as such a surprise with its slow jazz groove and liquid vocals. “Take My Life” feels like the beginning to the multi-genre album.

“We Are One,” the third track on the album, has more of a reggae sound, fighting against the dark folk sound we’ve heard contemporary Christian artists sing the song with in the past. The fourth song, “This World Is Not My Home,” was a favorite of mine, sung with a very bluegrass feel. It brought to mind the more traditional way of singing hymns while not taking away from the newness of the overall album.

Rock organ and electric guitar gives “Poor Wayfarin’ Stranger” a darker vibe, contrasting with the next track, “Fountain of Life,” which keeps the organ and guitar, but spins them to sound more modern, and at times, a bit country. “Rest” begins with slow piano and soft strings, and a female vocalist leads the listener to a quiet place of contemplation. “Make Us Whole” brings back the country sound, which stays for “The Life of the Lily.” The last track, “Aaronic Blessing,” closes the album with an echoing violin and acoustic guitar.

Overall, though the album doesn’t work as a cohesive unit, Lifelong Worship has met its goal of making something new and relevant while nodding back to the traditional music that has been passed down in our church for generations.


The viewpoint on the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Accent, Southern Adventist University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 


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