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SA to host "De-Stress" Christmas party

Brandon Beneche

Southern’s Student Association (SA) will be holding its annual Christmas Party on Sunday, Dec. 3 in Wright Hall from 8:30-10:00 p.m. Jake Strauss, SA Social Vice President, said that the party will have a “De-stress” theme, with the goal of the event being to help students relax during their preparation for final exams. The party will mainly be held in the dining hall, which he says will be transformed into a relaxing lounge. Additionally, Strauss said that there would be activities held in the Student Center and other rooms in Wright Hall. In addition to having comfy chairs, the party will have face masks, eye pillows, DIY ornaments and board games, along with hot chocolate and snacks. Strauss also said that the Christmas party will have massages and therapy dogs. “Lots of students are preparing for finals,” Strauss said, “so I am trying to create an atmosphere where students can come relax and de-stress for a little bit. It’s a lot to do in a short amount of time…. But I am excited for the night, and I am excited to relax at the De-stress Party!”

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